
Monday, April 22, 2013

Objective C/iPhone/iPad/iOS Interview Questions

1. What is delegate? 

2. What is protocol? Types off protocols? By default Which type ?
3. What is the difference between Delegate and Protocol? 
4. What are categories?
5 . Difference b/w categories and Extend?
6. Difference b/w categories and Inheritance?
7. Is there over loading function in object c?
8.How objective C supports overloading and overriding ?
 9. How OOPS Concept supports to ObjectiveC?
 10.What is MVC? How It’s supported to objectiveC?
 11.Explain the Application LifeCycle?
 12.What is Protocol? Types of Protocols?
 13. Is Synthesis required? What is the Importance of it?
 14 How  should you manage memory?
 15. Delegate Methods?
 16.What are the controls?
 17.what is xib?
 18.Waht is the difference b/w loadview and viewdid load?
 19. How to change one controller to other controller?
 20. How to change the Default controller?
 21. How to Provide Multiple options to the user?
 22.What are required delegates for Table View?
 23. Table View Delegate Methods?
 24. How the memory allocated for table view?
 25.what are UI Text field methods?
 26. Difference b/w simulator and Device?
 27. Differences b/w IPAD And Iphone?
 28. Features of 4.0version?
 29. Difference B/w versions?
 30. How you Customize the table view?
 31. Difference B/w C,C++,ObjectiveC?
 32. What is Garbage Collection How it’s supported?
 33. Difference b/w Copy and Retain?
 34. Differences b/w Copy and Mutable Copy?
 35. Difference b/w Release  and Auto Release?
 36. What is the base class for all the classes?
 37. What are Data Types? What is the Default Data type?
 38. What are Access Specifiers? What is the Default Access Specifier?
 39. Differences b/w  String and NSString?
 40. Array allocation is Contiguous ?
 41. Differences b/w NSArray and NSMutable Array?
 42. What are the Design Patterns?
  Design Patterns :
  1. MVC
  2. Singleton :
A system only needs to create one instance of a class, and that instance will be accessed throughout the program. Examples would include objects needed for logging, communication, database access, etc. You could pass such an instance from method to method, or assign it to each object in the system. However, this adds a lot of unnecessary complexity.

  1. Factory design pattern :
The factory method pattern is an object-oriented design pattern to implement the concept of factories. Factory method Pattern is to "Define an interface for creating an object, but let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate.

43. What is singleton object? How it’s supported?

44.   Instance method followed by………………………
                Member variable
45.  Instance method begins with?
46. Class method begins with?
47. @interface
                Methods define
48. @implementation
                Define methods are implemented
49. Default constructor syntax is?
                - (id) init.

50. What is the difference b/w dismissmodelview control and presentviewmodel controller?

51.  Which API’s are using in u r application?
      API means frameworks like UIkit, foundation, Core animation

52. What is the cocoa?
     Object c framework called COCOA. The specific part of the framework used for iPhone app development is called Cocoa Touch

53 .What is the difference Between APPKit and UIKit?
   there is NO APPKit in iphone and there is no UIKit in Mac OS

54. What is diff between Get and Post methods?
55. What is NSPredicate?
56. which class is used for sorting the objects in array?
57. How to customize u r app in iphone?
Winterboard is an application that let you customize your iPhone / iPod 2.0+.
58. What is the Winterboard?
Winterboard allows you to customize Springboard of your iphone. Using Winterboard you can change iPhone icons, customize applications, status bar graphics, iPhone dock graphics, install themes and change wallpapers of your iPhone Springboard. You can even customize sounds on your iPhone. With Winterboard you can theme almost everything that comes to your mind. Before iPhone 2.0 there was Summerboard but Winterboard has replaced it since iPhone 2.0 and can even load themes of Summerboard.
59. What is the springboard?
Springboard is the standard application that manages the iOS (formerly iPhone OS) home screen.
60. Is it support multiple inheritance? How it’s over come?
Not supported                                                                                                     
61. What is the memory management?
                It allocates and reallocates memory and find out memory leaks.
62. What is the ton?
                Singletons are a class that only gets instantiated once in your application’s run-time.
63. How many layers are there in iphone sdk?
                .cocoa touch layer
                                Address book UI
                .media layer
                                .audio toolbox
                                .audio unit
                                .AV foundation
                                .core Audio
                                .core graphics
                                .media player
                                .open GL ES
                                .quartz Core
                .core service layer
                                .address book
                                .core foundation  
                                .core location       
                                .system Configuration
                .core os layer
                                .CF network          
64. What is Parsing? Types of Parsing? Differences b/w types?
65. How File Handling should be done?
66. Permanent Storage?
67. What is APP Delegate? Why It’s used?
68. How handling the Data Base? Which Database your used?
69. Differences b/w SQLite and CoreData?
70. How Mapkit is used?
71. How change the Application Name?
72. What are the Frameworks you are used?
73. Essences of Library File?
74. What is Web Service? How it’s connected?
75. What it is NSURL?
76. Difference b/w SAX Parsing and DOM Parsing?
77. How to Implement Check Boxes and List View and Tree View and Combo box?
78.  What is Notifications? Types of Notifications?
79.  What is Push Notification?
80. How to handle device orientation?
         ShouldAutoRotatetointerfaceorientation – method
81. Deployment steps?
Deplolyment :
1)       Open applicatons- uitilites-keychain access –certificate assistance – requested a certificate from  a certifate authority
Email :
Savetodisk(radio button)
Certificate icon Is created in desktop. (developer certificate is created)
2)       Upload the developer certificate into
Registed login :
3)       Create the provisioning profile from and download it to system.

4)       Open the XCode and select the window -> organizer -> select the device and under provisioning profile tab drag it to device.

82. Steps for App Store Submission? 
83. What is IPA?
84. Adhoc distributions?
85. what is plist?
86. what is Multithreading? How it’s supported?
87.what is the dimensions of IPHone And IPAd?
88.What is the dismismodal view controller and present modal view controller?
89. Difference b/w Non Automic and Automic ?
90. Difference b/w Nib and Xib?
91. Difference b/w Data Source and Delegate?
92.what is Selector?
93.Difference b/w Array and NSDictionary?
94.Difference b/w Super and Base?
95. What are Application Life Cycle Phases?
96.How to build  the Application?
97.How to handle Errors and Bugs and Exceptions?
98. How to test the Application?
99. How to create the Custom controls?
100. How to Change the Color  for title bar of navigation bar?
101. Difference b/w Navigation And  Tab Bar controller?
102. What is JSON?
103. What is Gestures?
104. Difference b/w #define and #paragama and  #import?

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